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We believe in a wholistic approach to health care, our professional team of Allied Health Services provides  physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment, podiatric foot care to handle a comprehensive range of medical conditions, physical injuries, work related accident, chronic foot condition and general preventative services. 

​You can be assured – we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide


Physiotherapy treatment for acute injury, chronic medical condition, work related accident compensation, return to work program and chronic pain management.

- Reduce muscular, joints stiffness and to relieve pain

- Aim to Joint mobilisation, manipulation, active rehabilitation treatment and soft tissue massage, as well as stretching and trigger point therapy to reduce stiffness and to relieve pain.

- Help you move well, and pain free.

Medlife Physiotherapy - the treatments you need, the care you deserve.


Psychological counselling and support service to address mental health problems in community, work related stress and covid-19 related crisis.

The psychological services includes:

- depression

- anxiety disorder

- adjustment disorder 

- domestic violence

- work related stress

- relationship and marital problems

- schizophrenia support

- bipolar disorder

We believe positive lifestyle, preventative medicine, active exercise, supportive family would prevent psychological illness.


Proudly support by LANSVALE CHEMIST - with friendly staff,  pharmacist and our aim is to get your prescriptions right when you need them.


Prior to travel oversea, whether you are travelling overseas for business, pleasure, leisure or adventure, to make an appointment for advice on travel medicine, preventative measures taken and vaccination recommendation.


- Each country you might travel to overseas will have its own health risks and diseases.

- The vaccinations you will need to combat these diseases

Prevent disease and sickness while travel oversea is better than cure. 


General Practitioner has interest in dermatology treatment for multiple skin conditions of skin, hair and nail include:

- cryotherapy treatment for warts, solar keratosis

- benign skin lesions treatment

- acne treatment

- skin rash

- discoloration or pigmentation

- minor surgery removal of moles, benign, suspicious skin lesion or skin cancer.

We encourage patients to have regular skin check-ups, taking preventative measures because we believe that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in skin cancer prevention.


Health Promotion and Education for Women, for the most common issue presentation are:


- Cervical and breast cancer prevention. We encourage patient to seek assistance for regular pap smear test and breast examination. 

- Reproductive health and family planning

- Sexually transmitted infections

- Noncommunicable diseases: smoking, alcohol abuse, drugs and weight problems (obesity)

- Women changes in life, peri and menopause.


Don't wait until you are 50 to see a doctor.

- Find a Doctor for general check-ups

- Make healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating a healthy diet and including physical activity in your daily routine.

- Manage risky behavior

- Sexually transmitted infections

- Noncommunicable diseases: smoking, alcohol abuse, drugs and weight problems (obesity)

Take charge of your health, gents. The sooner you do it, the better.


Vaccination for children, adults, elderly, traveler, preventative medicine and pre-employment to prevent preventable disease and sickness.

To book for COVID-19 vaccinations or consultations for more info.

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine available.

Vaccination to protect yourself, your family and your community living in. 

We are COVID-19 safe.


We make referral specialist for further specialised care, continuing of care in according to patient's medical condition, his/ her needs and requirements. We can assist to make an appointment in urgent cases.

In non urgent cases, patients are required to make their own appointment and to make an enquiry about the cost involved in specialist consultation.

We make referral to the most convenience, efficient and cost effective radiology department and Pathology.

Medical & Allied health 

Opening Hours:

Monday-Friday:  8:30am-1pm & 2:00pm-5pm

Wednesday: 8:30am-1pm

Saturday: 08:30-1pm (not available during COVID-19)

​Sunday & Public Holiday closed. 

Ph: 02 9723 4477

Fax: 02 9723 4411


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